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Countdown to 2018

Oh, geeze Louise. Its the countdown to the New Year.

These few days before NYE always feel kind of lackluster. Christmas is done, I'm usually thrown off my usual exercise/food flow and feel sort of 'meh.' Sort of like the feeling you get between training cycles for races. Like, "What am I doingggg?"

I'm counteracting that by kicking my butt into full effect TODAY. After work, I'm heading straight to the grocery store to stock up on protein & veggies galore; and then I'm SLAYING it in the gym.

Whenever I'm feeling 'meh' about exercise it really helps me to LIFT HEAVY or go on a relaxing run. Since its freezing out right now, there's nothing relaxing about the idea of running outside (LORD KNOWS ain't nothin' relaxing about dreadmill running) I plan on taking the next few days before the New Year to simply focus on eating well, lifting heavy & drowning in sweat at some hot yoga sessions I bought on Groupon. Have any of you ever tried Yoga for the People? I'm so excited to check them out. They're donation based hot yoga (104-108*F) classes & I love their philosophy: yoga should be about stretching your arms and legs not costing you an arm and a leg! CAH-OOT.

Time to get sweaty in the gym!

Anyway, I signed up for the Prospect Park Cherry Tree 10 Miler on February 18, so I plan on starting the Hal Higdon Advanced 15 K Training Program again on January 1. I was doing this in the weeks before the Ted Corbitt 15k and was really happy with my 7:05min/mi race time of 1:05.59! Excited to see what mile pace I can bang out on February 18th at a hillier course!

My goal is to have more casual posts like this one more often in 2018. This sort of thought process seems so obvious to me, but I find its what really holds up progress for many of my clients. Most people give up when they lose at 'being perfect,' and by golly, ain't no body got time for perfection (especially during the holidays!). Instead of letting one too many Christmas cookies stop me from kicking butt today, I'm going to move forward and love myself for being a human being with a sweet tooth & an affinity for baking with my family.

Speaking of sweet tooth, a lot of you guys are going to be so excited to hear that I'll be leading a new Shake Yo' Sugar Habit Challenge in January 2018. Be sure to check the blog/get on my email list serve for updates on how to join!

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