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Fueling Tips for Food Freedom Athletes!

FIVE 🖐 TIPS to help you perform better 🏃🏼‍♀️and make peace ☮️ with food this year.


Are you sick of your sugar 🍭 cravings? Then its time for you to stop 🛑 getting mad at yourself when you feel hungry & start eating instead.

1️⃣ Hunger isn’t bad, it’s normal and a helpful cue from your body. I teach my clients how to recognize hunger and fuel their bodies correctly and I can teach you, too!


2️⃣ Certain foods help athletes stay fuller longer! More fiber and protein on your plate can help satisfy hunger when you’re eating enough calories overall.


3️⃣ Don’t ignore cravings. Stop subbing your ice cream 🍨 craving with protein powder pudding. Seriously, stop. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Think about it, do you even feel satisfied after eating this? I know the answer, girlfriend!


4️⃣ Did ya eat “too much?” ❤️ Instead of beating yourself up, pause and have compassion. What happened? You can learn from these experiences.


5️⃣STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF! Weighing leads to self-sabotage. You don’t deserve the unnecessary drama. I know it may be tough at first to avoid the scale, but I can teach you step by step how!


These helpful hints may be easier said than done. Which is the most challenging one for you to implement? You can talk to me about your biggest challenges and we can find ways to help you overcome them! Click HERE for more information about joining our women-empowering Food Fit Fam!


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