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in the background

I don't talk a lot about my business coach, Sarah, but she has given me SO much strength as I've built a business and HELPED so many of you find self-love and confidence. So when Sarah reminded me that I’m a leader, and right now is the time when leaders gotta lead, I felt some kind of responsibility to say SOMETHING to you.

If you guys know me well enough, you know that I really don’t like to speak about topics until I feel 10000% percent well-versed. I have a RRCA (running coach certification), and yet I don’t feel comfortable coaching beyond the beginner level yet. I read articles, books, listen to podcasts for months or years before I put anything into practice.

Which is why I can OWN that I’m a registered dietitian with a strong education in running nutrition, binge eating & intuitive eating… and while I do not know everything, I know a lot. I feel really confident leading you guys in creating a healthy relationships with food and with your bodies. SO I do that ONE thing really well and help you guys live your best life using my ONE mastered skill.

But when Sarah reminded me, I’m a leader, I realized that maybe I do need to say something right now. I don’t want to let you guys down, but I also DO NOT want to dilute the VERY important words of the men & women who ACTUALLY are qualified to lead during this tense, awful time. So I’m writing this on my blog, because I know if you read my blog, then you’re probably REALLY one of my people.

I have used this last week to realize that just because I have never “consider myself racist” and do not have hate in my heart towards any race, that does not mean I am not a part of the problem.

This realization came to me as I, quite shockingly, noticed that I basically followed 0 black people on social media, that 99% of my friends are white, my boyfriend is white and we probably live in the whitest part of Brooklyn you can find, my business coach is white, & all of my favorite podcasts are hosted by white women. I did not consciously seek this out, but here I am and I want to be intentional about changing. that.

I went on mute this week on instagram, discovered thenutritiontea & numerous other anti-diet accounts created by women of color, did my part to read more about anti-racism, watched a documentary, realized that I can no longer just roll my eyes when family members or coworkers making racist jokes to be funny. I'm not bragging. But I want you to know I took time off instagram to really grow as a human being.

So, if you care, and if you think of me as a leader in any way, shape or form, then:

1) I am really so honored that you look up to me. You are wonderful and I will always try to do RIGHT by you but I clearly am not perfect and I am not the right person to look up to right now.

2) I am simply doing what all the other silly white people are doing right now.

I donated, I signed petitions, I signed up for a course on Anti-Racism for Wellness Professionals created by Chrissy King (I am really excited about it!), on Instagram, I am sharing incredible anti-diet content created by black women. I’m just doing the tiniest things I am capable of doing. I’m not trying to be silent, but I’m also not trying to lead.

I am going to copy and paste some resources that have been recommended to me. I haven’t checked out all of them yet, but happy to pass this along in case it helps you.

Christine Dyan RD has an awesome podcast for fellow RDs. She talks a lot about neuroscience (my clients know I love this stuff) and how to tap into your brain power to make permanent habit change.

She also recommended the book White Supremacy and Me as well as all the books on this page about Anti-Racism. I loved this episode of the Make More Money as a Dietitian Podcast about Privilege. If you're a dietitian, please listen to it.

This article by Rachel Cargle about "Why You Need to Stop Saying 'All Lives Matter'"

Monique Melton's Anti-Racism 101 "crash course" digital download (this is not a free resource, but if you're financially able + interested it's a great way to support a black-owned business 🙌)


There are so many resources, there's so much to do. Again, I'm not the expert, and I'm not a leader. BUT I care. <3


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