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How to become a REAL RUNNER

I have been running for 21 years! I started running when I was 13 years old and my main motivation was to lose weight. However, running has evolved and changed with me as I got older. In high school I was apart of my school's cross country team and that is where I learned the comradery that comes with running with other people. For a while I was #teamnodaysoff or had the mantra "no pain, no gain." There is nothing wrong with that, by the way, I am just not in that season right now.

One thing I can say over these past 21 years is that I have been consistent. There have been seasons where I have been injured or not doing it full force. But I have been consistently running for 21 years, it is something I need and I crave and I reach for it everyday. It has kept me healthy, calm and has grounded me to be the person that I am.

There is no criteria to be a real runner. You can just be a girl who likes to run and you are doing it consistently and doing it in a way that is filling up your cup...then you are doing it right! You are a real runner and you have nothing to prove! The way we stay consistent is by having balance. By balance I mean building in days off so that you don't burn out. It is much harder on your body if you are going from #teamnodaysoff to not doing anything and then starting the cycle over again. You need those rest days to rebuild and repair muscles that you broke down during your hard workout days.

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