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Stuffed Thanksgiving Peppers

Hiii, ya little turkeys!

How was your Thanksgiving?? Mine was FAB.

This year I am feeling particularly grateful after an incredible year of growth. Turning 30 was a crazy emotional experience for me. I spent the first 5 months and 13 days of 2018 dreading turning 30 and trying desperately to make the "end of my 20s" meaningful. 

But after turning 30 and realizing life is pretty much the same, I took all that crazed, emotional energy and used it for focusing & flourishing.

I focusing on my health & my relationship with my body by doing less obsessing over calories and more time balancing my plate & listening to my hunger cues. I focused more on what I can only describe as my greatest passion; public speaking and teaching nutrition by collaborating with BYKlyn and developing/launching a sugar detox, as well as teaming up with Emblem Health to teach nutrition/cooking classes every Monday. These teaching opportunities GIVE ME LIFE. I am so grateful for the experience.

I have flourished in my relationships. I am thankful I went to Paris and explored a new corner of the world, a new language, new cuisine. I have flourished in my training - I am thankful my body is strong & injury-free, and I am finally learning how to balance strength training & running.

And you guys... I am so grateful to all of you for supporting me on my journey, for listening to me when I teach, and giving my life a purpose. Every. Single. DAY. I am grinning from ear to ear with gratitude that social media allows me to connect with all of YOU (especially my Facebook Family!)! Life is awesome, peeps.


How did you spend your Thanksgiving? The product of my Thanksgiving was a lotttt of leftovers. Between Friendsgiving leftovers and Thanksgiving leftovers, I am pretty much turning into a Thanksgiving Feast (ya are what you eat, ya know!).

My Stuffed Thanksgiving Peppers have enough veg & protein in them to allow you to savor those final bites of Thanksgiving while also fueling your body with lots of nutrition.

Speaking of leftovers, let's talk about the marvelous holiday itself!

I spent this Thanksgiving doing all my fave things: running, eating & connecting with my family.

We had the coldest Thanksgiving in history this year in it was the "PERFECT" day for a Turkey Trot. Avon-By-the-Sea had a pretty awesome turn out considering the weather and I ran the 2.5 miles in what I can only describe as VIOLENT cold. My face literally felt like it was smacked across the face with an icicle. But, I was glad I did it cause I was third place female overall (also - I won pie!), got an awesome workout in, and got to share the experience with my BF (who is not a runner). It was the perfect start to my day!


After racing, I scarfed down half a pork roll egg n' cheese on an everything bagel (because #wheninjersey), before joining my family for our early Thanksgiving dinner.

Dinner was the usual delicious variety of stuffed veggies, turkey, soup, and desserts. I enjoyed every bite, ate slowly, frequently checked in with my hunger and took breaks between bites. I definitely ate a little too much, but I definitely had zero regrets. It was a truly wonderful meal filled with stories, laughter and memories-made.

My pepper recipe below is an awesome way to use up some of your leftovers, while still eating enough veggies to add allll the nutrient density that your body may have been missing on the holiday!!

How was your Thanksgiving?? Did you turkey trot?!


Thanksgiving Leftovers Stuffed Peppers

Serves 6

1 cup leftover stuffing (or you may omit for a healthier recipe)

1/2 lb cauliflower rice

2 garlic crushed, minced

1/2 onion, diced

1 tablespoon butter

coconut oil spray

1 cup shredded turkey

1 tablespoon rosemary, 

1 teaspoon fresh sage, sliced thin

Salt to taste (use less if using bread stuffing)

6 peppers

Preheat oven to 375

While the oven is heating, slice the tops off the 6 peppers and remove the seeds. Instead of tossing the tops, I removed the stem and chopped the pepper tops up to add to the stuffing.

Place a large frying pan over low heat. When warm, add butter and melt. Add onions and cook for three minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add garlic, cauliflower, diced pepper-tops and mushrooms. Sautee until soft (varies 5-10 minutes depending on if you started with frozen cauliflower rice).

Add spices, stuffing and turkey to the pan to create a veggie-packed stuffing.

Cook for an additional 5 minutes or until the leftover-stuffing is soft. Remove from heat.Add the cauli-mixture to each pepper, filling to the top.

Place each pepper in a deep baking pan.

Pour about 1/2 cup of water in the pan between the peppers.

Just enough water to fill the pan's base.

Spray aluminum foil with oil and place the foil over the peppers oil-side-down.

Bake for 50 minutes.

Optional: Add shredded cheese the last 5 minutes and broil for the last 5 minutes.

Optional: For a cheesy taste that adds protein, sprinkle with nutritional yeast​​.



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